Touch of Asia

Touch of Asia
Dragon Ladies

Dragon Ladies

Click here for more information on Touch of Asia.

Click here for more information on Dragon Ladies.

Chi of Shaolin

Chi of Shaolin
Ongoing shows at Circus Circus Casino, Las Vegas, Reno, NV
Ongoing shows at Circus Circus

Click here for more information on Chi of Shaolin.

Click here for more information on our Imperial Acrobats of China shows in Las Vegas and Reno.

Past Shows - JUNGUA
Ice Age
Ice Age

A high impact, theatrical entertainment experience for all audiences. "JUNGUA - Descendents of the Dragon" celebrates the Chinese culture in an explosion of kungfu, acrobatics, music and dance. Dramatic scenery, authentic props & lavish costumes create a feast for the eyes. Past Schedule

Ms. Yanyan Zhao, a former Chinese state honored acrobat and currently an acrobatic entertainment producer has agreed to be a contracted advisor for the long anticipated Ice Age Live!

Click here for more information on our Ice Age Show.